BOCCIA Hunting Act of Friuli Venezia Giulia
The League for the Abolition of Hunting Section of the Friuli Venezia Giulia
expresses its satisfaction at the recent
pronounce - announced just yesterday -
the Constitutional Court which, with the Decision No. 165, 2009
broadly accepted all the reliefs
advanced environmental NGOs - WWF, LIPU
League for Abolition of Hunting, Legambiente and LAV.
were canceled policies with which you wanted to reduce
areas off-limits to hunting.
E 'was blown away the danger was reopened
trapping in the Friuli Venezia Giulia, practice,
the trapping, in the rest of Italy with the'arresto
subject to criminal penalties up to one year or fine of up to
Euro 2000. And yet
erased those rules that exclude
environmentalists from all choices regarding
hunting in this region and made it the only hunters
controllers themselves.
It 'good to remember that
law was approved by the Centre under the 'Department of Enzo Marsilio, strongly supported by
Federcaccia Friulana
but also voted by directors of the center.
Sperotto Alessandro, CEO of the League for the 'Abolition of Hunting
of Friuli Venezia Giulia said: "The political thread
hunters lost! We had always supported
the illegality of this provision since its presentation as
bill, but the commissioner did Marsilio
always shrugged. "
If it were not for the memory of the environmental associations
who wrote a few days after approval of the law to the then government and Prodi, then
without this Judgement of the Court, would
made yet another mess to regional wildlife
already severely threatened by environmental degradation. If the current
had the will to really protect wildlife, which is
all, tomorrow would stop all forms of hunting in
virtue of the legal vacuum that has arisen from the obligation to prevent and
to hunting new areas. "