Conference pro toads in Pordenone:
"THE BUFO AND 'stove "or
The impact of roads on amphibians and spring migration
safeguard actions.
Friends of toads Polcenigo
invite the citizens to attend the debate
entitled: "THE BUFO AND 'stove'
or the impact of traffic on the spring migration of amphibians and
safeguard actions, with
interventions to: Dr. Nicola Bressi
zoologist and conservation biology,
Conservative Management of the Museum of Natural History
Trieste, and Prof. Dr. Mario Cosmo For. Fabio
Bidese group Friends of the toads Polcenigo.
The meeting, which takes place the fruitful collaboration of
'Association Cordenonese Nature, WWF
Chamber of Pordenone and the League for the' Abolition of
Hunting - Chamber of Friuli Venezia Giulia,
will be held Saturday, February 20, 2010 at 16:30 in Pordenone, near the room
Meeting del'ex Convent of San Francesco
(access via the pedestrian walkway of St. Francis).
The 'event' s objective is to bring public attention
the ecological importance of amphibians, whose
species are particularly threatened by human
changes on the ground, and actions in place to protect
that requires support from both institutions
that parts of the public. Everyone
sensitive, in fact, can contribute to the conservation
populations of toads and amphibians threatened. For information and
mail: mario.cosmo @