The League for the Abolition of Hunting Sec. Friuli Venezia Giulia
can not but be horrified by the words of the Mayor of
cited by local press, with whom the mayor called Festival of the
Osei "a celebration of nature." All that remains is
wondering where the Mayor Ceraolo
while thousands of animals if they were locked in tiny cages with the torrid heat
, unbearable for the same people
Since the mayor has escaped certain exemplary images,
disclose the photos taken Sunday, August 16,
hoping that it does not find the celebration of nature in
bunnies, piled one on top of which call at 2 in the afternoon fresh
and air, or parrots
can not even put its foot on the perch for mamcanza
space, or in the blackbird, instead of feathers on his head has
a great crust etc. etc.
invite Finally, the citizens of Sacile remaining
persist in wanting this kind of festival, fortunately
minority, to observe these animals and
to wonder if all this must end.
E 'was made a video with pictures
in question, published on You Tube at the following address
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