October 1 to 7 World Vegetarian
In the first week of October is organized World Vegetarian Week, with events and initiatives in many cities around the world to spread the vegan and vegetarian lifestyle, by informing people about the many advantages of this choice and letting them sample the delights of vegan cuisine.
www.VegetarianWeek.org The official site of the event. For Italy, AgireOra Network - www.AgireOra.org - join proposing several initiatives to vegan and vegetarian activists, that the weekend of 3-4 October will take to the streets to distribute leaflets, to taste vegan food, answer the questions of People interested in making this choice, and provide in-depth briefing materials. A Pordenone
a table of information Vegetarian Week will be held on Saturday 3 and Sunday, Oct. 4, from 15 to 19, in Piazzetta Cavour.
This table is organized by activists OIPA Italy Onlus-Section of Pordenone and the League for the Abolition Hunting-section of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, which will be present to give testimony on the importance and benefits of a vegetarian diet, will answer questions of the persons concerned to make this choice and will distribute leaflets and information materials to study. You can also sign the petition "Stop EU subsidies to farmers, an initiative of the International Centre of Ecology of Nutrition.
All information in order to participate can be found at:
As stated in its official flyer, being vegetarian and vegan means not eating animals and their products (in the case of the vegan choice), because:
E 'right - so do not suffer and do not kill animals for use as ingredients for our dishes.
It 's the future for the Environment - The future, already in the short term, will not allow consumption of meat (including fish), milk, eggs equal to the current ones, because the production of these foods have a devastating impact on the environment and there are enough resources on Earth to allow it.
It 's the future for the world - the waste of plant, soil, energy, water, globally, weigh especially on the poorest countries and "steal" their resources. The number of hungry people is increasing every year, we are now almost a billion. Switch to a diet based on plant is the most practical solution to help them.
It 's the future for our health - A drastic decrease in the consumption of animal foods and an increase of cereals, legumes, vegetables and fruit is the only way that can save us from the "diseases of affluence" disabling, which is now dies.
The vegetarian choice is easy, "natural" - Factory farms are the most artificial of the world - what could be more unnatural to treat sentient beings as machines, and excessively polluting the planet in the process of "production ?
's a choice for everyone - There is no "I" political or religious character or way of behaving and speaking, a dress or physical appearance, an age group or type of "social circle" that unites all the vegans and vegetarians.
There are so many people are realizing that, with each passing year.
For more information on choosing veg, vegan www.VegFacile.info to become step by step, so easy!
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