While states around the world have gathered to address the climate crisis, he sees parks and reserves represent a natural response to the significant growth of emissions (as much as 15% of the CO2 is stored in protected areas), and was ready to start 2010, International Year of Biodiversity, the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia decided to pursue policies in shocking contrast.
The expenditure estimates for 2010 place it transfers to the two regional parks for € 630,000 on the regional park Dolomites of Friuli (which has enjoyed, from 1997 to 2009, a slight increase in revenues, from € million starting at about € 1.4 million) and € 570,000 for the Park of the Julian Alps (in the period between 1997 and 2009 has risen from an initial 800,000 to € 1,140,000). We thus faced with a 50% cut made on small budgets, however.
The expenditure for maintaining the delicate system of permanent grassland increased from € 110,000 to zero.
From € 50,000 to zero also pass the cost of studies and technical activities of wildlife, aimed, inter alia, the provision of wildlife plans, strategic tool for the regional wildlife management. The biological station on the island of Cona see their resources cut down: from 100,000 to 20,000 €.
As for resources to fund the regional nature reserves (conservation and development plans, management activities), to acquire the regional heritage habitats and other areas of natural interest, and to carry out activities aimed at maintaining and increasing biodiversity, natural heritage to the use of teaching and research, they will increase from about € 1,766,000 in 2009 to 130,000 € in 2010! Overall, this sector
parks, nature reserves, protected areas, environmental assets and landscape changed from 5,392,459.39 to € 1,898,526.14.
In other words: it is actually broken up, a decrease of 80% of the appropriation, the network of environmental protection present in Friuli Venezia Giulia, already understaffed than the national average despite the fact that the region is characterized on the one hand from low human pressure and on the other exceptional biodiversity.
With what is being foreclosed any possibility of restructuring in the direction of sustainable economic activities such as agriculture and tourism, with serious repercussions for employment; think of the decades-long work to promote educational and exhibition facilities in Europe: the visitor centers, which should draw tourists and start the local economy, will now be closed!
If this were not enough, the council has cleared the environmental supervision on the entire territory by blocking the recruitment of forest guards authorized by a regional public recent competition, failing to provide the expected single set of environmental supervision and even equating the role, tasks and training guards wildlife and hunting to those employees of the Province of traffic wardens.
environmental associations, industry, naturalists are tired of seeing the budget savings implemented at the expense of nature protection and defense of the territory, the area which is already by far and without comparison the least funded by the Region.
And I'm tired of seeing that, conversely, areas that contribute objectively to the devastation of the environment, such as road infrastructure and the ski stations, they can enjoy, always, with huge funds.
In all this there is something ancient and, no offense, of culturally mediocre.
The Lac section of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, adheres to the expressions of protest and condemnation expressed by environmental groups WWF, Lipu Legambiente against cuts and 50% operated by the Round to parks and regional reserves, regional (the Friulian Dolomites , the Julian Alps, Isle of Conan). This is a political choice that denounces the total alienation of the regional administration to the tragic problems affecting the planet and that these days are under discussion at the Copenhagen summit. While countries of the world are strongly committed to seeking an agreement for the preservation of life on Earth, the regional government subtracts precious resources necessary for the protection of a heritage that is rich in biodiversity and that can counteract the heavy impact of pollution, resources that should instead be invested in initiatives to promote cultural and educational activities in order to bring forth awareness and responsibility in all citizens and those who will be the men of tomorrow. Regardless of the ecological crisis and absolutely no vision, the directors of the FVG eliminate highly trained officers in the protection of the area, destroy the activity of the visitor centers, ignoring the fact that focusing on tourism, with a wise policy for the conservation and enhancement of natural means to create jobs and become a source of revenue for the coffers of local authorities.
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