The accounts are made soon. The last shield tax has enabled thousands of tax evaders anonymously to regularize their position by paying the state 5 percent of assets hidden abroad (100 billion). Just in case came in 2009 about 5 billion euro. As things go wrong and that everyone says Gianni Letta , are called to make sacrifices because, therefore, does not apply to those who have their money CHASSIS asking them to pay another five per cent? We know the objections. But how? The law prevents him: the State has embarked on an amnesty, as after only a few months can go back on your word? Simple, he does. Just like it will be with teachers, civil servants, local authorities and all those who until recently thought they had acquired the rights that today, to deal with the crisis, will be denied. Although the secret lists of names evaders in fact exist. To rebuild, told the Daily Without a qualified source of the Bank of Italy, just ask the banks used for shield the assets. In this way, the solidarity contribution will recover 5 billion.
And the other 10? Here too the solution (if only it would take) there. It is called solidarity contribution on large estates Family . To launch the idea (with no luck) was more than a year ago, Giulio Santagata, the former Minister for the Implementation of the Prodi government. But now that the proposal should be reviewed carefully, because this sort of one-off charge sheet does not mean withdrawing money from the pockets of all citizens, or simply hit the owners of an apartment or a piece of land. But just ask, as already happens in other countries, who is richer than a small hand to those who are worse.
Let's see how: in Italy the household wealth amounted, according to Bank of Italy, in 8000 billion euro. 10 percent of them was holding the 50 percent of the Treasury (over 4000 billion). That's where I should go to find the money. Of course, should not be taxed the productive assets, ie do not pay taxes on business ownership. On the other hand the rest will be taxed. And, given that only 8 percent of those 4 trillion is explicable to the business, the taxable (ie the piece of treasure on which the tax authorities may intervene) will touch the 3.5 trillion. However not all owners should put their wallets. The idea is that the withdrawal would take effect only from a person who owns real estate, land, liquid and securities more than 5 million euro .
Without the math it turns out well enough that an intervention of 3 per thousand to be forfeited to the State 10 billion. It would be unpopular with a solidarity that? No, because it covers only a tiny proportion of the population. That, moreover, would not be particularly vexed. The 3 per thousand to 5 million (equivalent to four large apartments in the center of Milan or Rome) is tantamount to 15 000 €. For this to opposition now lies the task of explaining that there is an alternative to social butcher. While the center-right should begin to reflect on one point: its electoral base is now huge. Includes not only the super-rich tax evaders. The vast majority of supporters of the Knight (and the League) is formed by ordinary people with ordinary incomes and lifestyles. All people who now are awakening from the dream. To find himself in a nightmare in which, sooner or later, will eventually drag even the government.
Taken from here
's all. The solution to our woes is to them a few inches from our noses, but perhaps still too close to be focused by our political elite.
The increase more and more discontent, poverty and unemployment is starting to spread, and the only solution that you can find is to penalize those who do not even more if you can afford.
Italy is broken and the situation continue to deteriorate if you do not take sensible measures soon. I just hope that we can reach a breaking point, beyond which there will probably be a full-fledged revolution. Urban warfare, prisons filled up to the explosion, violence, murder, barbarism. All things that I think are to be avoided.
Coalizziamoci together for a better Italy, but we do not fall into violence!
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