This fully supports my idea (and I hope that of many others) to develop a sustainable energy through renewables. It is still a lot of the way to go in this direction are still many obstacles that face because of global lobby. But I'm sure one day we'll make it!
Summarizing the article describes (briefly) the energy policies (speaking of nuclear power) of four European countries: France, Sweden, Germany and Austria.
"The Others" ... nuclear power is always greener on the other
One of the comments I hear most frequently ask me while I collect signatures against nuclear power in Italy can be summarized in the questions: "If others have them why should not we? After we are surrounded by nuclear power, because they do not want it too? ". Questions that I find very relevant and worthy of responses without prejudice. For this reason I talk about it now instead of the usual chronicle of a difficult week. Certainly it would be easy to answer: "If we were surrounded by thieves is not that we want them home too!"
Or about the fact that the majority is always right, we could borrow one of the bulwarks Linux old-timers (about the numbers have little Linux operating system in the face of MSWindows) that says: "Billions of flies eat shit you ... see that's really good. "
The first observation is that "others" are not all alike. There are "other" and "other" and it would be incorrect to put under the same label as France, Germany, Sweden and Austria.
Starting from France, whose nuclear vicissitudes have not always been happy. It 'been traumatic, for example, the experience of Superphenix (recovered less than two billion French francs of the 60 investments, one third of them to taxpayers Italian!). Another negative example is going to be the central EPR Flamanville (Normandy) with many delays and cost increases as all the plants with reactors AREVA "date".
French nuclear policy does not just civil, but from the military in the years following the war, thanks to claims that the country had as a winner of the conflict. military investments in France are among the highest in the world, almost twice those of most other countries European (2.5% of GDP = 40 billion € in 2006). France depends on nuclear power for producing electricity. Almost 80% of that comes from 58 nuclear reactors operating on its territory. This development is quite unusual for a country of enormous size (only the U.S. has more reactors in French) is related to the fact that investment in the 60's came to this area "bounce" from the military. One must realize that this is a legitimate choice. If one sets its energy policy in a direction that is good. Their happy, everyone happy. I want to remember, say so in passing, that France has to run the furnaces, internal combustion engines, factories. It does this by using fossil fuels like everyone else, that fuels imported from outside like everyone else. 80% of fuels used in France (including uranium) are purchased from outside, much like Italy. Of course France is a rather special case in world producers of electricity from nuclear power, but ... Nobody knows now where to put and how to keep the nuclear waste produced in quantities monstrous. In 2009 (twelve months) there were 9 accidents to the "nuclear industry" French. The electricity is cheaper than us, but most other countries where nuclear power is not (eg. Hungary and Greece).
There is a second type of countries nuclear weapon, those who develop an energy policy 'Atomic', but alongside other resources, in order to have a varied mix. Take for example the Sweden, which has 10 nuclear power plants rather old and retire
In 1980 (well before the Chernobyl accident but serious aftermath of Three Mile Island) to the Swedish government imposed a referendum to have
closure of existing plants by 2010. The pact was held up for good as the current center-right government has decided to return to building nuclear power plants, replacing old ones with new ones. The story does not end here because the debate is ongoing and people
is not at all agree (74% according to a recent survey). This year however there will be elections and if the majority were not confirmed it is already obvious that this decision will be thrown away. But this is not the point. The important point is that Sweden produces only
40% of electricity through nuclear power, most of the remainder is produced from renewable sources, with far ahead that hydroelectric . The Swedish electricity bill is lighter than the Italian. This confirms that the number of reactors in the area has a much, much less a good energy policy to reduce the costs borne by the public. It should also be noted that the impact of Swedish taxes on energy cost is greater than our own.
In this vein we have also put the Germany, but has a history a little bit different. 80s born in this country a shared energy policy, which has its foundation in three basic tenets: the reduction of energy waste, development of energy from renewable sources progressive abandonment of nuclear power. In particular, for each of its 26 stations are fixed the dates of closure. At this stage there is a contract with the industrial sector that can tear a few years older than that set by politics. Energy saving is mainly directed to the heating of
homes. Laws are born on the amount of oil or gas that can be used per square meter per year in the heated and, with values \u200b\u200bthat are much, much lower than previous (and our current). So he developed a chain of research and industries working
to make homes more "passive" , that is, with less and less energy needs. Created classes for the consumption of housing such as home appliances. It 's a great revolution that the selection of materials always requires less energy, more and more green solutions ranging from solar panels to wind turbines, micro-biomass co-generation. A house for maximum savings (gold class) consumes 15 times less than an average Italian home. Today, similar legislation has come here too, 30 years later. It 's the so-called "energy certification" that very few owners want to do, although mandatory, "so no one controls. "The German laws adapt over time (1991) permits the values \u200b\u200bof consumption, as the technology progresses and you can do even better. In 2000 a law voted by 90% of German parliamentarians laying down conditions and criteria for grants and incentives to those who produce
energy with the sun, wind, trees. And the country is a great laboratory for sustainability.
Here, while we do not know what will happen next Tuesday, Germany has launched an energy plan long-term (decades), a kind of "exit strategy" to replace nuclear with something better, less risky, less expensive and renewable. To date 14 have been closed reactors and disposal will continue until 2022, when the final is due out from nuclear power. It 'also true that the current German government of Angela Merkel has raised some concerns in this regard and that there is a policy debate on the possibility of postponing this "exit", but the German chancellor reiterated that Germany will center many times without any problem the objective 20-20-20 provided by international agreements of the EU. Currently 16% of the German countryside. The share of greenhouse gases is knocked down by 18% ... and still have 10 years to reach 20%! But Italy mobilize the majority of senators to say that CO2 is just a hoax invented by scientists to promote themselves. It urges the EU to remove the constraint. We all look like we were crazy and smile as you do with those who do not know what they do.
Currently 25% of German electricity is produced by nuclear power.
But what a decision supported by the facts and the sense of the state's product was one that we have under the eyes. A country that has a number of different types of solar vastly greater than Italy, Spain, Greece, namely countries that make the sun emblem in their advertising brochures. A nation that has invested heavily in wind energy especially in the north of the country, in the North Sea where the winds are ideal for this type of energy production. A nation that was able to use the biomass in an intelligent way, through cogenerators home or building and not using them to cheat the public, was also covered by a swindler who invented the CIP6 green certificates.
We close the tour of the horizon with the ' Austria.
items on this country run very absurd and without foundation. Acegas APS and its membership of the municipality of Padova, to promote the incinerator S. Lazarus (on the occasion of the ill-fated opening of the third line) had produced a brochure with a front page eulogy of the incinerator in Vienna, "place in the city and which no one complains
" .
liars and ignorant!
Why, if they knew at least a little 'history of this country, never conceded to pronounce the name associated with such filth. In Austria there is only one incinerator (Spittelau 5 km from the center of Vienna) small enough and that now is an attraction tourism than anything else. Built in the 60 was then decorated by a famous architect
Austrian who has made a sort of monument. The Austria recycles nearly 70% of their waste and does not need incinerators. Lucky them! And nuclear power? In 1978 was finished the construction of a first nuclear power plant by about 800 MW. Just finished a popular referendum
has blocked the start by calling the country to move beyond all nuclear policy. Yet even Austria is surrounded by nuclear countries (Switzerland, Germany, Slovenia). It should be noted that in 1978 no major accidents had not happened; In short it was a choice
crystal clear. The Austrian position is very clear. Here is the statement of Ronal
Egger one of the leading Austrian environmentalists: "Nuclear power poses a problem not solved, as the final storage. There is a world final disposal of radioactive waste. In addition, accidents continue to occur in plants show that nuclear technology is a technology of high risk. "
And this is the position shared by the vast majority still nationals.
Austria uses high volume sources sources. What? The biomass first everything. There are entire forests that are treated like a baby because they can produce in a sustainable fuel to heat their homes. There are suitable crops for rapeseed oil that drives the tractors of entire valleys. And then there's the ' hydroelectric particularly developed both as a large power plants and as a smaller jump or flowing water (rivers). Austria is the second largest producer of hydroelectric power from Norway after. If you have not this look a map of Europe and compared the size of this country with that of others.
We have said many times that the discussion on biomass be done with great care, respecting biodiversity, subtracting food and non sparking rounds of profits is often as absurd to us. I think the Austrian situation can be summarized in the phrase of Karl Totter - Founder of the Cooperative Seeg that manages renewable sources: "The concept is pretty simple. Each region produces raw materials and these raw materials must be developed in the region and consumed in the region."
And the political problems related to various ideas of opposing sides? In Austria, do not even know what they are. Jopseph Galler, Mayor of Mureck, one of the most important in the production of rape, said: "Yes, we say that with regard to bio-energy, all parties follow the same line. This policy is supported by the entire population and this is reflected in the municipal council, where we all agree. "
Just like us, or not? Enough? Not a chance. Austria, in 1999 has included the renunciation of nuclear power in its constitution ... we sneak awards Alfano ...
from the old nuclear power plant in 1978 has not left the building empty. But recently (2005) was bought by EVN , a company that produces energy in Lower Austria. You will get a quick energy through photovoltaic panels. All around In fact, there are 14 acres to be used. Their bill is lighter than the Italian one (about 60% in 2007), in spite of higher taxation. I love this country!
Here! This happens to some of the "other" European countries. When someone say "But we have nuclear power plants on the border" we can not blame him, but if it is not an idiot trying to explain what else is out there that we should take into account. We are very good at copying shit and still we refuse to take that much that is good in the sight of all. The energy policy of a country can not have originated from technology, but the choices of how we want to be the future the nation, its inhabitants, but there are many many millions more than those who will profit and profit from the fact of choosing one path over another.
always argue that the problem of nuclear Italian (one of Berlusconi and Scajola to understand) should not become an ideological issue, and that being in favor of nuclear power is not a sin. Except that I think we should consider all the consequences: economic, environmental, safety. In particular it seems to me that spending (very large) does not make sense at this moment in our country. And then, however, the costs are never finished, because our grandchildren will have to pay decommissioning of death due to lack fuel just as we are paying for twenty years dismantling our power plants
death, those Caorso, Trino, and so on almost without realizing it. Sogin docet.
Conclusion: As mentioned in the article, for there are many good examples, but they often prefer to copy the sheets. This happens because of "influences" of the lobby (corruption galore). How do I change this trend? Well, the simplest solution is to make better choices in the next election (someone who has the slightest moral character, and a minimum of love for the city that is). There are "new" part that many good candidates, why not to vote rather than the usual suspects?
Report this my "old" post .
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