This year the festival has the osei
betrayed expectations. We were able to admire the endless
tiny cages where there were several packed
birds, all under the heat of a hot day in August
. One wonders - and this demand is a must-
where is the party of the nature that the much-trumpeted
president pro sacile. The visit of two animals
LAC, (while the other showed the
its disagreement to the festival in Piazza del Popolo)
made in the area devoted to animals
courtyard, accompanied by two veterinarians, allowed to identify the poor conditions
were held in which dozens of animals, less sensational cases in which
themselves were without water to the more serious when the exhibitor
was "forgotten" to repair the animals by leaving them alone
"fry" until the intervention of the regional body
Forestry and Veterinary 'ASS.
were found not only lack of shade, as well gatherings
of animals in small cages! E '
worth noting that throughout the festival, which provides for the display of thousands of animals
there was only a veterinarian' s ASS.
Faced with this situation, one wonders what the
how the president pro sacile
and the mayor have decided to ensure the welfare of
animals. The organization of the festival seems rather intended to ensure
gains, given the density of
exhibitors at the expense of those who obviously can not scream
his own suffering, but, unfortunately, only, on the occasion,
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