The first thing you notice is that were changed three logos: the banner at the top, one column to the right and bottom. Simply will be changed from time to time, from now on.
POOR COMMENTS At this time the comments were many and I am really happy. Then, in recent days, there was a strange descent. Suddenly, no one has commented on the latest. I'm sorry to repeat myself, but I remind you that in a free site like this and from which I do not take any revenue (as I have decided not to include advertising banners), the comments are the only support you can give me and what makes me want to continue and translate. So once again invite you to leave even a simple "thank you". I know that there I felt compelled, but is it really necessary to allow the site to go on (seriously!) and is the minimum necessary to demonstrate an appreciation for my work. Finally, remember that when you leave a comment there is no captcha and you can do it anonymously. I also thank those 2-3 early thanks to every single translation!
This is really a question ... currently, you can download via megaupload translations, and certainly that's how many they want. But it would not hurt to see the images "streaming" (I do not think the correct term, but you get the idea), as I was suggested by a reader. Edenplus up for those who remember him, works like this: Click and watch the translation into a gallery of images via the internet. But that was a site with its own space, so it was normal. Is it possible to create an image gallery simple, fast to load multiple files without losing too much time and that it has one thousand extra features (such as Picasa, Flickr, Photobucket ...)? If I could find a way, I am tempted to add this feature, along with the download link. If you have good ideas, let me know via email (found in the info and contacts).
Have you noticed now that I've written? Above Every blog, which shows the date and time, no return: the date, time and sometimes even months. Well, I am afraid that there is no error is corrected. Actually, I made that post at that time, only then I uploaded later. In fact, my translations are not in real time: those who read at least now I get it done two weeks ago. The fact is that I keep on with the job to make sure you always have the translations. Although for a few days I decide not to translate and rest a while ', I can continue to upload translations and never leave them. So, probably will remove the date and time of the post, as there is no option to change blogger on upload online to the creation of the post. Or more likely I'll do a poll to ask if you think it is better to remove the date or not. Even better, as you read this line survey that is on your right! If you have not answered yet, do it now.
This is another problem. In fact, it is that you do not see the whole archive is that there exists throughout the store. The archive translations is a slow and monotonous thing to do, so I tend to get bored and I never want to take it forward. A cause so much stress in me must also have been the fact that I had done the entire archive before blogger, wrote in the face of such a single post, imploded on itself by removing everything. Bastard. So, right now I have a comfortable grip, and since I created I left empty until recently. Not long ago, I then decided to take off my mettermici and this plug from the side, mettendomici to work and completing the first translation to the hundredth. Go and check it in order to review the first 100 translations of the blog carefully cataloged ... oh, and if you find an error please let as well. I'll try to complete it (quietly) in the coming days.
* From now on, in translation, when the text is devoid of balloon and then appicicato the background, there will be a small edge to make it more readable. Uaaaaooo, who discovered the incredible science! So far I did not know how to do it, but from now on will give a special touch to the translations (and I mean from now on number 162 onwards, to be honest).
* There is a new image in the Info
* Less post on the main page (too long, sorry if it goes against an old survey): 10.
* New images in the gallery!
* I try to be more regular reporting on Facebook the new translations. If the cover shows the nude, there will be a preview image.
* Fixed an old mistake: it lacked the 108 ° translation, and there were two 110.
* And yet another error: missing the 120 ° translation and there were two 124.
* Changed description of the site "updated daily" on "to date" ... whoops ...
Thanks for your attention, the Mass is over, go back and read in peace hentai.
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