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Two stories of scientific research in the service of Her Majesty.
A coffee table, coffee, maybe a muffin (which in Britain 'or do they know) and is ready for a good excuse to chat a bit', especially when it comes to taking a break from the leaves, from the screen, from the accounts, graphics, word from 'Odi et Amo daily. As such it is well aware that they could not resist so tempting a proposal, I managed to meet with Dr. Stephen Maclean and Dr. ing. Ruggero Poletto, two doctoral students at the University of Manchester, England, and to ask them some questions about their experience in the colorful cauldron of scientific research.
Let's be clear now: you are not real doctors, right?
basite faces, half-smile, an embarrassed silence, crying, literally, "but that is Done." Urge clarification.
In normal conversation, "doctor" is almost always synonymous with "doctor" and I know from personal experience or not, that can happen to feel that their way of study be considered as expected because it corresponds to a profession traditionally "respectable." Do you have any experience about it?
Stefania Once, talking with someone just met, you said what you do in life, and I told him that I was a graduate in physics. To which I replied was "ah yes, I own a bit 'of bacon to throw down, not that you could advise me what to do in the gym?". True, the name is similar, but physical education is definitely another area of \u200b\u200bknowledge ...
Roger: In fact, the title of engineer would also be among those "respectable", but just gave me from her degree in hand, told me: "You are a doctor of engineering, but you are not yet engineer because you miss the exam state, "so I always feel like someone who lacks something to be something else.
Tell me a bit 'of your training.
R.: I did the high school in a small village school where we know each other, then I went to Padua to do my bachelor's degree and specialized in aerospace engineering, then I tried to find a job in Italy, I have not found anything I liked in any substantial manner, and above that allowed me to practice what I had learned, for Not to mention the economic aspect, more often than not in a distressing state. So I took stock and barrel, and I decided to deepen my studies with a doctorate, and I found the best for me here in England.
S.: In elementary school teacher I had the unique a second mother who was able to teach me how to reason and to learn. Then the dark period of the medium, the high school with address information, but did not gave me no different than a normal high school, Catholic University of Brescia for three years to study physics, often in classes with more teachers than students, so followed very closely, fantastic. Attempt degree failed for a variety of incompatible curriculum, after which I learned from friends of friends of friends here that could be done even with a doctorate level degree and I just packed.
Albert Einstein said that every scientist should be able to explain what it takes to his grandmother. What do you care, my grandchildren?
R.: To solve problems such as wing design or to study the noise generated by a turbine, often using computer simulations. For them there are two main methods: a fast but very rough and a slower but more accurate. I'm trying to create a hybrid system that manages to put together the benefits of the other two.
S.: I deal with optics, that is what concerns the light (and no glasses!). Have recently been discovered new properties of photons, which are the particles that make up the light, and you can use them to understand more of the stars from which light comes from here. I'm thinking about the tools that will allow us to obtain this information.
choose to do scientific research does not mean never take a road comfortable in any historical period. Why did you take this direction?
S.: The hit on the head vocation dates back to elementary school, I could just start reading Asimov's books for my dad. From science fiction was born then love for astrophysics, which continues to this day.
R.: There are many reasons, but I think the most important issue is what should be valid for any choice , namely, the passion for what you are doing. I've never been attracted to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe engineer who runs the company, which makes the manager, I am very interested most of the challenges we face in planning and research.
The coffee that has not been drunk is getting colder, the sun now low peeps through the trees dipping into the room a warmth that already knows back home for dinner. It is the ideal time for Marzullo.
Scientists are born or made?
S.: I would say that one is born, at least in some high-profile cases. But if you meet the right people, you can also learn to appreciate the environment and to thrill with time. There are people who fall in love with love at first sight, and others that bring us closer to realizing it.
R.: probably born with a passion, then it's up to you to turn this passion into a lifestyle choice. It's like football, you are born with the gift fair, but unless you're training is useless, you'll never become a footballer.
What does it mean for you to do science here and now?
S.: first for me is living a dream that do not hope to be able to achieve. Then it is something that is only for knowledge, add your own little piece of satisfaction, even if it does not result in rewards or social or economic. The beauty is also able to compare with many other people from around the world who share your methods and your own motivations.
R.: seems to me that history is made and is still made by small little creatures like you and me, trying to solve their problems, whether large or small. There was the transportation problem, and some have said "well, I almost invented the wheel, and this is to do science: trying to solve our little problems and improve a little 'life.
One of the fathers of modern physics, Niels Bohr, he argued that making predictions is very difficult, especially of the future. Nevertheless, I ask you try to look in the coming years: what are your hopes and what do you expect?
R.: First of all I hope to finish a doctorate in time, and after I'd return to Italy to apply what I learned. The rest we'll find out only by living, on the other hand, if m'avessi asked the same question a few years ago, t'avrei never said that I would have found Manchester, let alone to make me do an interview!
S.: As a first goal, finishing his doctorate, put my flag on top of the mountain, maybe in the meantime having done something useful for other research. If we could continue to search, no matter where, would be the best. And also to start a family ...
We close with a flourish: a tip for those who are taking the first steps toward a life devoted to science.
R.: Forget, I have enough competition!
S.: Let cure!
You say these scientists, we are already getting too British? Greetings to the mainland!
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