Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Buy Pokemon Heart Gold

The League for the Abolition of Hunting invites the citizens of the Province of Pordenone to boycott the festival of birds Sacile, or the Feast of the cage. In that instance, you do not celebrate anything except the glorification of the cage in which thousands of birds are forced to live their entire lives.

These migratory birds that fly in the wild for thousands of miles and exotic birds altogether foreign to our climatic and environmental conditions.
birds are bred for the pleasure of hearing them sing or to act as a decoy for specimens of the same species in the hunt by stalking fixed.
Who supports these events said to be the bearer of a tradition and that birds do not suffer any ill-treatment, but compliance with the ethological characteristics of a bird in a cage is not a contradiction in terms?

Behind these fairs and birds on the shoulders of a few grams, also, there are the barbarian catch birds in nature by means of networks, such as that granted in the winter of 2008 from the Friuli region and the Province of Pordenone, which led to the death of several also specimens of species protected, and stopped only thanks to the decision of the Regional Administrative Court following a timely appeal of animal welfare groups and environmental organizations.

We turn to the public and the Mayor of Sacile Pro Sacile to ask to end the Middle Ages and the Festival of Osei, exaltation of the cage, it becomes the party of free bird, instead of the cages where there are exhibitions, panels popular, films, teaching observations in nature and darkened all initiatives aimed at raising awareness of the preservation of free birds and their habitats. Only then can there be an evolution of our community to a very urgent need for a harmonious relationship between man and nature.

The LAC, together with the LAV and all the animals that want to join, will show its opposition directly to the Piazza del Popolo in Sacile, Sunday, August 22 from 9.00.

Finally, an idea for those who feel the irresistible charm of the cage.: These suggest that you buy them blank, you will enter into a fake bird of any species including recorder designed for best song.


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