League Abolition of Hunting Friuli calls not to buy fireworks New Year's Eve.
The fireworks are the cause of death, injury and trauma to dogs, cats, pets and birds. Those who love nature and animals prefer the explosion of champagne.
blast of fireworks in the night cause unimaginable damage to animals, birds of a sudden because a fear that causes them to flee from dorms (Trees, bushes and rooftops), flying blindly in the dark for miles, going to die smashed onto some wall, tree or electrical cables, and those who manage to land or settle in a few trees often die frozen to death due to the rigorous winter temperatures and lack of shelter.
In cats, especially dogs, creating a sudden severe stress and fear that they yearned to escape from their gardens and fences, to escape the unbearable noise to them, often ending up victims of traffic or obstacles not visible in the dark.
In farm animals such as cows, horses and rabbits, the effects of explosions can cause abortion in pregnant animals, even trauma from fear.
should be noted that dogs, cats and small pets are frightened almost to death for the fireworks of New Year's Eve, and this is particularly due to their hearing threshold developed and infinitely more sensitive than human.
The man has a hearing with a perception between the frequencies known as infrasound, at around 15 hertz, and those referred to as ultrasound, above 15,000 hertz.
Dogs and cats, however, show far superior hearing abilities of the dog up to about 60,000 hertz, while the cat up to 70,000 hertz.
San Silvestro who owns dogs and cats must follow some details: in the case of cats, you should lock them up in quiet places (garage, bathroom, etc..) can close the windows so that the flashes, as well as noise, have fallen; behave completely normal, especially in the case of dogs, without trying to reassure and to cherish the animal if it shows fear that if the dog sees the owner does not shake, so you feel more comfortable.
The LAC therefore advises the public not to buy fireworks in order to save hundreds of thousands of animals from death, probably by accident and trauma stress.
who unfortunately had already bought fireworks to use at least avoid the dark (when the birds are sleeping in the various shelters) and close of trees, bushes and houses where they kept dogs, cats and pets.
not use the fireworks will be a sign of civility and sensitivity even in respect of all stakeholders, especially the Fire Department, the first year must take action to rescue refuge animals everywhere.
must not forget that the Police and the State Police may apply to all an article of the Criminal Code, the 703, sadly forgotten by many, but still in force, which reads: 'Whoever, without the permission of the Authority, in a village or its surroundings, or along a public street or in the direction of it (... omitted ...) lit fireworks, or rocket launcher (... omitted ...), or in general, ignition or explosion is dangerous, shall be punished by a fine of up to pounds 200,000, if the offense is committed in a place where he is meeting or contest persons, the penalty is up to arrest a month.
The LAC advises the public to report to the authorities the abuse of fireworks and incidents that could affect the animals.
Please note by signing an online petition against BARRELS NEW YEAR:
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Franchie De I Love Money Denuda
Removal of wildlife and hunting outside the hunting season
In a period of cuts is the only thing that increases the possibility to kill the animals allowed outside the hunting season if the art is approved. 3 co. 4 of the bill. 92 (Finance Act 2010) into question in recent days. This article provides that in certain areas Canine Let the slaughter of wildlife and hunting outside the hunting season, or the so-called "vintage hunting."
Canine Areas - those areas identified for training of hunting dogs in the Reserves, will become a free zone where animals rescued from farms, which in fact become legally wildlife may be killed at any time of year
. The dangers are obvious, as will be the inevitable
disturbance caused by these activities at particular times, such as the reproductive period routinely closing of hunting.
addition, the provisions of Article 3 co. 4 is clearly unconstitutional, since it contrasts with the Framework Law 157/1992 on the hunt, if this article indicates. 18 the time span of killing of wild animals hunted between September 3 and January 31, regardless whether the same was born on a farm or not, in a dog or not. The prediction contained the above DDL contrasts also with the art. 30 L. 157/1992 which makes an offense the exercise of hunting outside of the scheduled periods. The region should build on what contained in Decision No. 165 of 2009 of the Constitutional Court, where, in declaring unconstitutional the co. 8:09 's art. 23 LR FVG
6 / 2008, has enunciated an important principle of law in order the slaughter of wildlife taken in the light train the dogs, holding unlawful the extent of killing of animals also farmed in the outside the hunting season. The LAC
Chamber of Friuli Venezia Giulia asked the directors not to approve this rule unlawful and that brings another danger the animals free of this region.
In a period of cuts is the only thing that increases the possibility to kill the animals allowed outside the hunting season if the art is approved. 3 co. 4 of the bill. 92 (Finance Act 2010) into question in recent days. This article provides that in certain areas Canine Let the slaughter of wildlife and hunting outside the hunting season, or the so-called "vintage hunting."
Canine Areas - those areas identified for training of hunting dogs in the Reserves, will become a free zone where animals rescued from farms, which in fact become legally wildlife may be killed at any time of year
. The dangers are obvious, as will be the inevitable
disturbance caused by these activities at particular times, such as the reproductive period routinely closing of hunting.
addition, the provisions of Article 3 co. 4 is clearly unconstitutional, since it contrasts with the Framework Law 157/1992 on the hunt, if this article indicates. 18 the time span of killing of wild animals hunted between September 3 and January 31, regardless whether the same was born on a farm or not, in a dog or not. The prediction contained the above DDL contrasts also with the art. 30 L. 157/1992 which makes an offense the exercise of hunting outside of the scheduled periods. The region should build on what contained in Decision No. 165 of 2009 of the Constitutional Court, where, in declaring unconstitutional the co. 8:09 's art. 23 LR FVG
6 / 2008, has enunciated an important principle of law in order the slaughter of wildlife taken in the light train the dogs, holding unlawful the extent of killing of animals also farmed in the outside the hunting season. The LAC
Chamber of Friuli Venezia Giulia asked the directors not to approve this rule unlawful and that brings another danger the animals free of this region.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Diy Wedding Table Numbers Books
The destruction of nature in the Friuli Venezia Giulia: the spending policies of the Region
While states around the world have gathered to address the climate crisis, he sees parks and reserves represent a natural response to the significant growth of emissions (as much as 15% of the CO2 is stored in protected areas), and was ready to start 2010, International Year of Biodiversity, the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia decided to pursue policies in shocking contrast.
The expenditure estimates for 2010 place it transfers to the two regional parks for € 630,000 on the regional park Dolomites of Friuli (which has enjoyed, from 1997 to 2009, a slight increase in revenues, from € million starting at about € 1.4 million) and € 570,000 for the Park of the Julian Alps (in the period between 1997 and 2009 has risen from an initial 800,000 to € 1,140,000). We thus faced with a 50% cut made on small budgets, however.
The expenditure for maintaining the delicate system of permanent grassland increased from € 110,000 to zero.
From € 50,000 to zero also pass the cost of studies and technical activities of wildlife, aimed, inter alia, the provision of wildlife plans, strategic tool for the regional wildlife management. The biological station on the island of Cona see their resources cut down: from 100,000 to 20,000 €.
As for resources to fund the regional nature reserves (conservation and development plans, management activities), to acquire the regional heritage habitats and other areas of natural interest, and to carry out activities aimed at maintaining and increasing biodiversity, natural heritage to the use of teaching and research, they will increase from about € 1,766,000 in 2009 to 130,000 € in 2010! Overall, this sector
parks, nature reserves, protected areas, environmental assets and landscape changed from 5,392,459.39 to € 1,898,526.14.
In other words: it is actually broken up, a decrease of 80% of the appropriation, the network of environmental protection present in Friuli Venezia Giulia, already understaffed than the national average despite the fact that the region is characterized on the one hand from low human pressure and on the other exceptional biodiversity.
With what is being foreclosed any possibility of restructuring in the direction of sustainable economic activities such as agriculture and tourism, with serious repercussions for employment; think of the decades-long work to promote educational and exhibition facilities in Europe: the visitor centers, which should draw tourists and start the local economy, will now be closed!
If this were not enough, the council has cleared the environmental supervision on the entire territory by blocking the recruitment of forest guards authorized by a regional public recent competition, failing to provide the expected single set of environmental supervision and even equating the role, tasks and training guards wildlife and hunting to those employees of the Province of traffic wardens.
environmental associations, industry, naturalists are tired of seeing the budget savings implemented at the expense of nature protection and defense of the territory, the area which is already by far and without comparison the least funded by the Region.
And I'm tired of seeing that, conversely, areas that contribute objectively to the devastation of the environment, such as road infrastructure and the ski stations, they can enjoy, always, with huge funds.
In all this there is something ancient and, no offense, of culturally mediocre.
The Lac section of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, adheres to the expressions of protest and condemnation expressed by environmental groups WWF, Lipu Legambiente against cuts and 50% operated by the Round to parks and regional reserves, regional (the Friulian Dolomites , the Julian Alps, Isle of Conan). This is a political choice that denounces the total alienation of the regional administration to the tragic problems affecting the planet and that these days are under discussion at the Copenhagen summit. While countries of the world are strongly committed to seeking an agreement for the preservation of life on Earth, the regional government subtracts precious resources necessary for the protection of a heritage that is rich in biodiversity and that can counteract the heavy impact of pollution, resources that should instead be invested in initiatives to promote cultural and educational activities in order to bring forth awareness and responsibility in all citizens and those who will be the men of tomorrow. Regardless of the ecological crisis and absolutely no vision, the directors of the FVG eliminate highly trained officers in the protection of the area, destroy the activity of the visitor centers, ignoring the fact that focusing on tourism, with a wise policy for the conservation and enhancement of natural means to create jobs and become a source of revenue for the coffers of local authorities.
While states around the world have gathered to address the climate crisis, he sees parks and reserves represent a natural response to the significant growth of emissions (as much as 15% of the CO2 is stored in protected areas), and was ready to start 2010, International Year of Biodiversity, the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia decided to pursue policies in shocking contrast.
The expenditure estimates for 2010 place it transfers to the two regional parks for € 630,000 on the regional park Dolomites of Friuli (which has enjoyed, from 1997 to 2009, a slight increase in revenues, from € million starting at about € 1.4 million) and € 570,000 for the Park of the Julian Alps (in the period between 1997 and 2009 has risen from an initial 800,000 to € 1,140,000). We thus faced with a 50% cut made on small budgets, however.
The expenditure for maintaining the delicate system of permanent grassland increased from € 110,000 to zero.
From € 50,000 to zero also pass the cost of studies and technical activities of wildlife, aimed, inter alia, the provision of wildlife plans, strategic tool for the regional wildlife management. The biological station on the island of Cona see their resources cut down: from 100,000 to 20,000 €.
As for resources to fund the regional nature reserves (conservation and development plans, management activities), to acquire the regional heritage habitats and other areas of natural interest, and to carry out activities aimed at maintaining and increasing biodiversity, natural heritage to the use of teaching and research, they will increase from about € 1,766,000 in 2009 to 130,000 € in 2010! Overall, this sector
parks, nature reserves, protected areas, environmental assets and landscape changed from 5,392,459.39 to € 1,898,526.14.
In other words: it is actually broken up, a decrease of 80% of the appropriation, the network of environmental protection present in Friuli Venezia Giulia, already understaffed than the national average despite the fact that the region is characterized on the one hand from low human pressure and on the other exceptional biodiversity.
With what is being foreclosed any possibility of restructuring in the direction of sustainable economic activities such as agriculture and tourism, with serious repercussions for employment; think of the decades-long work to promote educational and exhibition facilities in Europe: the visitor centers, which should draw tourists and start the local economy, will now be closed!
If this were not enough, the council has cleared the environmental supervision on the entire territory by blocking the recruitment of forest guards authorized by a regional public recent competition, failing to provide the expected single set of environmental supervision and even equating the role, tasks and training guards wildlife and hunting to those employees of the Province of traffic wardens.
environmental associations, industry, naturalists are tired of seeing the budget savings implemented at the expense of nature protection and defense of the territory, the area which is already by far and without comparison the least funded by the Region.
And I'm tired of seeing that, conversely, areas that contribute objectively to the devastation of the environment, such as road infrastructure and the ski stations, they can enjoy, always, with huge funds.
In all this there is something ancient and, no offense, of culturally mediocre.
The Lac section of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, adheres to the expressions of protest and condemnation expressed by environmental groups WWF, Lipu Legambiente against cuts and 50% operated by the Round to parks and regional reserves, regional (the Friulian Dolomites , the Julian Alps, Isle of Conan). This is a political choice that denounces the total alienation of the regional administration to the tragic problems affecting the planet and that these days are under discussion at the Copenhagen summit. While countries of the world are strongly committed to seeking an agreement for the preservation of life on Earth, the regional government subtracts precious resources necessary for the protection of a heritage that is rich in biodiversity and that can counteract the heavy impact of pollution, resources that should instead be invested in initiatives to promote cultural and educational activities in order to bring forth awareness and responsibility in all citizens and those who will be the men of tomorrow. Regardless of the ecological crisis and absolutely no vision, the directors of the FVG eliminate highly trained officers in the protection of the area, destroy the activity of the visitor centers, ignoring the fact that focusing on tourism, with a wise policy for the conservation and enhancement of natural means to create jobs and become a source of revenue for the coffers of local authorities.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
License Name For Plato Dvd Ripper
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Commercial Sandwich Steamer
Friday, November 13, at 21:00, at the conference hall of the former convent of San Francesco, in Pordenone, there will be a screening of EARTHLINGS.
Admission is free.
EARTHLINGS (Earth) is a documentary on the absolute dependence of humanity from the animals (used as a company, such as food, clothing, for fun and for scientific research) but also illustrates our complete disrespect for these so-called " non-human providers. " The film is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, nominated twice for an Oscar and won a Golden Globe in 2006, and the soundtrack is by Moby, the critically acclaimed artist.
Through a detailed study carried out in shops of animals, breeding of domestic animals, shelters, as well as factory farms, the leather and fur, in the sports and entertainment, and finally in the medical profession and scientific EARTHLINGS uses hidden cameras and video premieres track the daily news of some of the largest industries in the world, who base their profits entirely on animals.
Powerful and informative, EARTHLINGS is a film that makes you think so far and is the most comprehensive documentary ever produced about the correlation between nature, animals and human economic interests. There are many well-made film on animal rights, but this surpasses them all.

Friday, November 13, at 21:00, at the conference hall of the former convent of San Francesco, in Pordenone, there will be a screening of EARTHLINGS.
Admission is free.
EARTHLINGS (Earth) is a documentary on the absolute dependence of humanity from the animals (used as a company, such as food, clothing, for fun and for scientific research) but also illustrates our complete disrespect for these so-called " non-human providers. " The film is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, nominated twice for an Oscar and won a Golden Globe in 2006, and the soundtrack is by Moby, the critically acclaimed artist.
Through a detailed study carried out in shops of animals, breeding of domestic animals, shelters, as well as factory farms, the leather and fur, in the sports and entertainment, and finally in the medical profession and scientific EARTHLINGS uses hidden cameras and video premieres track the daily news of some of the largest industries in the world, who base their profits entirely on animals.
Powerful and informative, EARTHLINGS is a film that makes you think so far and is the most comprehensive documentary ever produced about the correlation between nature, animals and human economic interests. There are many well-made film on animal rights, but this surpasses them all.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
How Mnay Hd Movies Fit On Apple Tv
Land for Wildlife Protection
The presidents of national environmental groups WWF, Legambiente, Lipu, Lac Lav and called on the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, in the person of the President pro tempore, to take immediate action to allocate a share from 20 to 30 percent of the region, except for the Alpine region, protecting wildlife, and warned from the outset that, unlike a lot, you adiranno the most appropriate legal remedies to better protect wildlife and the environment.
This is because, following the adoption of Law No 13/2009, the region of plains and the sea was wrongly defined as "Area fauna of the Alps, thus avoiding the ban on hunting, allocating protection, only 10% of the agro-silvopastorale, instead of at least 20%!
This means that 45,000 acres of countryside, which should be an oasis of peace where the fauna is not subject to hunting, shotguns are unacceptably routes by which animals resulting in a levy that should be protected. In practice, thousands, including mammals and birds, including species also rapidly declining numbers, taken as a result of a "permit" issued by an authority (the region) that does not have jurisdiction. We wonder how we can take unlawfully Heritage unavailable State without any judicial authority to intervene or at least, pending the new ruling by the Constitutional Court should apply the necessary suspension. Sentence that can only confirm what has already been established for the same rule (contained in the Regional Law 6 / 2008) already rejected in spring 2009. We wonder if those responsible for the financial loss will be required to compensate the loss of a good. Otherwise, there will be a profound injustice, since, as the Deputy Mayor for natural agricultural resources and forestry Violin has explained, the illegality of the rule was clear, and most importantly, the President of the Regional Round confided in time long of justice to allow the holding of illegally throughout the hunting season without being identified as in need of surface protection.
misbehavior of who was authorized to administer public goods, besides causing loss of wildlife, can only lead to alienation from the institutions.
The presidents of national environmental groups WWF, Legambiente, Lipu, Lac Lav and called on the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, in the person of the President pro tempore, to take immediate action to allocate a share from 20 to 30 percent of the region, except for the Alpine region, protecting wildlife, and warned from the outset that, unlike a lot, you adiranno the most appropriate legal remedies to better protect wildlife and the environment.
This is because, following the adoption of Law No 13/2009, the region of plains and the sea was wrongly defined as "Area fauna of the Alps, thus avoiding the ban on hunting, allocating protection, only 10% of the agro-silvopastorale, instead of at least 20%!
This means that 45,000 acres of countryside, which should be an oasis of peace where the fauna is not subject to hunting, shotguns are unacceptably routes by which animals resulting in a levy that should be protected. In practice, thousands, including mammals and birds, including species also rapidly declining numbers, taken as a result of a "permit" issued by an authority (the region) that does not have jurisdiction. We wonder how we can take unlawfully Heritage unavailable State without any judicial authority to intervene or at least, pending the new ruling by the Constitutional Court should apply the necessary suspension. Sentence that can only confirm what has already been established for the same rule (contained in the Regional Law 6 / 2008) already rejected in spring 2009. We wonder if those responsible for the financial loss will be required to compensate the loss of a good. Otherwise, there will be a profound injustice, since, as the Deputy Mayor for natural agricultural resources and forestry Violin has explained, the illegality of the rule was clear, and most importantly, the President of the Regional Round confided in time long of justice to allow the holding of illegally throughout the hunting season without being identified as in need of surface protection.
misbehavior of who was authorized to administer public goods, besides causing loss of wildlife, can only lead to alienation from the institutions.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
What Does A Full Bikini Wax Consist Of
"immediately suspend the HUNTING SEASON"
I ask environmental groups following the sensational appeal of EU law by the regional government.
Immediately suspend the hunting season 2009-2010: the urge WWF, Legambiente, Lipu, Lac Lav and following the decision of the Council of Ministers to challenge proposal of the Minister for Relations with the Regions Raffaele Lease, the Regional Law 13/2009 (the "EU law", as provisions for the fulfillment of the obligations arising from Italy's region of the European Community) in the section on hunting.
According to the government, the law of 13 is unlawful because it "regulates huntability of some species precluded from intervening in an area to the regional and subjects, albeit temporarily, the whole region Friuli Venezia Giulia to the legal regime of the wildlife area of \u200b\u200bthe Alps limiting the portion of land to be devoted to wildlife protection. " In
detail, there are two contested articles: Article 37 on huntability of wild birds, as the Region Friuli Giulia, without mentioning any scientific body or control at the regional or national responsibilities that are inherent, such as those to expand the list of species, and art. 48, which extends throughout the region, the wildlife area of \u200b\u200bthe Alps
After the Regional Law 6 / 2008 on hunting, environmental protection associations had in fact brought an action on several points of the standard and in particular on all the region of the wildlife area of \u200b\u200bthe Alps, which provides a percentage of protected land less than expected in the remaining territory.
The complaint was upheld by the Constitutional Court, which had held that the decision to extend the wildlife area of \u200b\u200bthe Alps in the Friuli Venezia Giulia everything unnecessarily limited the protection of animal and was therefore quashed the law.
Facing the regulatory vacuum has arisen, which threatened not to allow the start of hunting season a few weeks after its inception, the majority of regional councils has seen fit to run for cover in the law by entering a regional community that extends back to the article wildlife area of \u200b\u200bthe Alps to the entire territory of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, even if only until January 31, 2010, that is until the end of hunting season.
In essence, the environmentalists complain, but to allow hunters to take up the shotguns, Regional Councillors who voted for the lr 13/2009 seriously ignored a Constitutional Court ruling, allowing the slaughter of thousands of wild animals in the absence of the conditions provided by law, with the risk of causing irreparable harm to the wildlife of the region.
Hence the request to suspend the hunting associations will not be restored until such conditions.
(not alone. In the face of the arrogance of the junta Tondo - which has adopted these standards and confident that any appeal would not have expected effects resulted in time - the association will proceed by challenging all acts administrative approval of plans for demolition of the hunting, seeking to protect the measure of immediate suspension). The provisions
just regional appeal by the Council of Ministers is another worrying sign of how the junta is prostrate Tondo hunting needs. The association
have recently noted as the Regional Wildlife Committee, the body that directs the policies of protection of wildlife and hunting management of the Regional Administration, which by law should represent all relevant stakeholders, is in fact monopolized by hunters, and this is because the regional councilor and director of the department responsible have chosen to be represented by two members of the hunting world.
In our region, concludes the associations, not only relies on hunters to the task of directing the policies of protection and study of wildlife, but it goes so far as to ignore a ruling by the Constitutional Court but to ensure the start of hunting season , confirming the predominance of the interests of shotguns up to protect the environment. Enacted by Act 157/1992.
I ask environmental groups following the sensational appeal of EU law by the regional government.
Immediately suspend the hunting season 2009-2010: the urge WWF, Legambiente, Lipu, Lac Lav and following the decision of the Council of Ministers to challenge proposal of the Minister for Relations with the Regions Raffaele Lease, the Regional Law 13/2009 (the "EU law", as provisions for the fulfillment of the obligations arising from Italy's region of the European Community) in the section on hunting.
According to the government, the law of 13 is unlawful because it "regulates huntability of some species precluded from intervening in an area to the regional and subjects, albeit temporarily, the whole region Friuli Venezia Giulia to the legal regime of the wildlife area of \u200b\u200bthe Alps limiting the portion of land to be devoted to wildlife protection. " In
detail, there are two contested articles: Article 37 on huntability of wild birds, as the Region Friuli Giulia, without mentioning any scientific body or control at the regional or national responsibilities that are inherent, such as those to expand the list of species, and art. 48, which extends throughout the region, the wildlife area of \u200b\u200bthe Alps
After the Regional Law 6 / 2008 on hunting, environmental protection associations had in fact brought an action on several points of the standard and in particular on all the region of the wildlife area of \u200b\u200bthe Alps, which provides a percentage of protected land less than expected in the remaining territory.
The complaint was upheld by the Constitutional Court, which had held that the decision to extend the wildlife area of \u200b\u200bthe Alps in the Friuli Venezia Giulia everything unnecessarily limited the protection of animal and was therefore quashed the law.
Facing the regulatory vacuum has arisen, which threatened not to allow the start of hunting season a few weeks after its inception, the majority of regional councils has seen fit to run for cover in the law by entering a regional community that extends back to the article wildlife area of \u200b\u200bthe Alps to the entire territory of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, even if only until January 31, 2010, that is until the end of hunting season.
In essence, the environmentalists complain, but to allow hunters to take up the shotguns, Regional Councillors who voted for the lr 13/2009 seriously ignored a Constitutional Court ruling, allowing the slaughter of thousands of wild animals in the absence of the conditions provided by law, with the risk of causing irreparable harm to the wildlife of the region.
Hence the request to suspend the hunting associations will not be restored until such conditions.
(not alone. In the face of the arrogance of the junta Tondo - which has adopted these standards and confident that any appeal would not have expected effects resulted in time - the association will proceed by challenging all acts administrative approval of plans for demolition of the hunting, seeking to protect the measure of immediate suspension). The provisions
just regional appeal by the Council of Ministers is another worrying sign of how the junta is prostrate Tondo hunting needs. The association
have recently noted as the Regional Wildlife Committee, the body that directs the policies of protection of wildlife and hunting management of the Regional Administration, which by law should represent all relevant stakeholders, is in fact monopolized by hunters, and this is because the regional councilor and director of the department responsible have chosen to be represented by two members of the hunting world.
In our region, concludes the associations, not only relies on hunters to the task of directing the policies of protection and study of wildlife, but it goes so far as to ignore a ruling by the Constitutional Court but to ensure the start of hunting season , confirming the predominance of the interests of shotguns up to protect the environment. Enacted by Act 157/1992.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
What Causes Neck Throbbing
October 1 to 7 World Vegetarian
In the first week of October is organized World Vegetarian Week, with events and initiatives in many cities around the world to spread the vegan and vegetarian lifestyle, by informing people about the many advantages of this choice and letting them sample the delights of vegan cuisine. The official site of the event. For Italy, AgireOra Network - - join proposing several initiatives to vegan and vegetarian activists, that the weekend of 3-4 October will take to the streets to distribute leaflets, to taste vegan food, answer the questions of People interested in making this choice, and provide in-depth briefing materials. A Pordenone
a table of information Vegetarian Week will be held on Saturday 3 and Sunday, Oct. 4, from 15 to 19, in Piazzetta Cavour.
This table is organized by activists OIPA Italy Onlus-Section of Pordenone and the League for the Abolition Hunting-section of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, which will be present to give testimony on the importance and benefits of a vegetarian diet, will answer questions of the persons concerned to make this choice and will distribute leaflets and information materials to study. You can also sign the petition "Stop EU subsidies to farmers, an initiative of the International Centre of Ecology of Nutrition.
All information in order to participate can be found at:
As stated in its official flyer, being vegetarian and vegan means not eating animals and their products (in the case of the vegan choice), because:
E 'right - so do not suffer and do not kill animals for use as ingredients for our dishes.
It 's the future for the Environment - The future, already in the short term, will not allow consumption of meat (including fish), milk, eggs equal to the current ones, because the production of these foods have a devastating impact on the environment and there are enough resources on Earth to allow it.
It 's the future for the world - the waste of plant, soil, energy, water, globally, weigh especially on the poorest countries and "steal" their resources. The number of hungry people is increasing every year, we are now almost a billion. Switch to a diet based on plant is the most practical solution to help them.
It 's the future for our health - A drastic decrease in the consumption of animal foods and an increase of cereals, legumes, vegetables and fruit is the only way that can save us from the "diseases of affluence" disabling, which is now dies.
The vegetarian choice is easy, "natural" - Factory farms are the most artificial of the world - what could be more unnatural to treat sentient beings as machines, and excessively polluting the planet in the process of "production ?
's a choice for everyone - There is no "I" political or religious character or way of behaving and speaking, a dress or physical appearance, an age group or type of "social circle" that unites all the vegans and vegetarians.
There are so many people are realizing that, with each passing year.
For more information on choosing veg, vegan to become step by step, so easy!
In the first week of October is organized World Vegetarian Week, with events and initiatives in many cities around the world to spread the vegan and vegetarian lifestyle, by informing people about the many advantages of this choice and letting them sample the delights of vegan cuisine. The official site of the event. For Italy, AgireOra Network - - join proposing several initiatives to vegan and vegetarian activists, that the weekend of 3-4 October will take to the streets to distribute leaflets, to taste vegan food, answer the questions of People interested in making this choice, and provide in-depth briefing materials. A Pordenone
a table of information Vegetarian Week will be held on Saturday 3 and Sunday, Oct. 4, from 15 to 19, in Piazzetta Cavour.
This table is organized by activists OIPA Italy Onlus-Section of Pordenone and the League for the Abolition Hunting-section of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, which will be present to give testimony on the importance and benefits of a vegetarian diet, will answer questions of the persons concerned to make this choice and will distribute leaflets and information materials to study. You can also sign the petition "Stop EU subsidies to farmers, an initiative of the International Centre of Ecology of Nutrition.
All information in order to participate can be found at:
As stated in its official flyer, being vegetarian and vegan means not eating animals and their products (in the case of the vegan choice), because:
E 'right - so do not suffer and do not kill animals for use as ingredients for our dishes.
It 's the future for the Environment - The future, already in the short term, will not allow consumption of meat (including fish), milk, eggs equal to the current ones, because the production of these foods have a devastating impact on the environment and there are enough resources on Earth to allow it.
It 's the future for the world - the waste of plant, soil, energy, water, globally, weigh especially on the poorest countries and "steal" their resources. The number of hungry people is increasing every year, we are now almost a billion. Switch to a diet based on plant is the most practical solution to help them.
It 's the future for our health - A drastic decrease in the consumption of animal foods and an increase of cereals, legumes, vegetables and fruit is the only way that can save us from the "diseases of affluence" disabling, which is now dies.
The vegetarian choice is easy, "natural" - Factory farms are the most artificial of the world - what could be more unnatural to treat sentient beings as machines, and excessively polluting the planet in the process of "production ?
's a choice for everyone - There is no "I" political or religious character or way of behaving and speaking, a dress or physical appearance, an age group or type of "social circle" that unites all the vegans and vegetarians.
There are so many people are realizing that, with each passing year.
For more information on choosing veg, vegan to become step by step, so easy!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Is Pooing Alot More A Sign Of Pregnancy
hunting season opens and the main national newspapers disseminate the news of a hunter killed after a dispute for a hare.
Lecco, hunter killed by a colleague after a dispute prey
LECCO - A hunting trip in the mountains overlooking Lecco, this morning, ended with a murder according to the earliest information we have addressed two hunters in the woods after the killing of a hare. Both claimed the possession of the prey. At one point one of the hunters was hit by a shot fired on the other, which in turn was injured in a non-serious, exploded by a blow to the victim. Still unclear the exact dynamics of the episode on which are now being investigated by the Police of Lecco.
(September 20, 2009)
Even the newspapers show that the practice of hunting is also dangerous to humans.
hunting season opens and the main national newspapers disseminate the news of a hunter killed after a dispute for a hare.
Lecco, hunter killed by a colleague after a dispute prey
LECCO - A hunting trip in the mountains overlooking Lecco, this morning, ended with a murder according to the earliest information we have addressed two hunters in the woods after the killing of a hare. Both claimed the possession of the prey. At one point one of the hunters was hit by a shot fired on the other, which in turn was injured in a non-serious, exploded by a blow to the victim. Still unclear the exact dynamics of the episode on which are now being investigated by the Police of Lecco.
Even the newspapers show that the practice of hunting is also dangerous to humans.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tri-previfem Askapatient
TORCHLIGHT against hunting
Lac La del Friuli invites everyone to march in a torchlight procession against hunting that will wind through the streets of downtown Verona Saturday, September 19 A MEETING AT 20.30 VERONA IN PIAZZA BRA '(corner Via Roma).
The opening of hunting season is the start of the massacre of millions of animals. Hunting is a barbaric tradition that no longer has any reason to exist. Over 80% of Italians are opposed to hunting, in addition to the millions of animals die each year from more than 50 people because of this bloody "sport." A few hundred thousand people make the law in the fields and forests owned by the State and private still can not prevent hunters entering their property.
tons of lead throughout the area, poisoning land, water courses and aquatic animals.
will be issued to each set a torch to light a beacon of hope that more and more people become aware that all life has value and that man is unable to regulate the nature of bringing death, pain and fear among the beings that live there!
The opening of hunting season is the start of the massacre of millions of animals. Hunting is a barbaric tradition that no longer has any reason to exist. Over 80% of Italians are opposed to hunting, in addition to the millions of animals die each year from more than 50 people because of this bloody "sport." A few hundred thousand people make the law in the fields and forests owned by the State and private still can not prevent hunters entering their property.
tons of lead throughout the area, poisoning land, water courses and aquatic animals.
will be issued to each set a torch to light a beacon of hope that more and more people become aware that all life has value and that man is unable to regulate the nature of bringing death, pain and fear among the beings that live there!
Friday, August 21, 2009
What Kind Of Dog Nightmare Before Christmas
736 th 736 th Sagra dei Osei
The League for the Abolition of Hunting Sec. Friuli Venezia Giulia
can not but be horrified by the words of the Mayor of
cited by local press, with whom the mayor called Festival of the
Osei "a celebration of nature." All that remains is
wondering where the Mayor Ceraolo
while thousands of animals if they were locked in tiny cages with the torrid heat
, unbearable for the same people
Since the mayor has escaped certain exemplary images,
disclose the photos taken Sunday, August 16,
hoping that it does not find the celebration of nature in
bunnies, piled one on top of which call at 2 in the afternoon fresh
and air, or parrots
can not even put its foot on the perch for mamcanza
space, or in the blackbird, instead of feathers on his head has
a great crust etc. etc.
invite Finally, the citizens of Sacile remaining
persist in wanting this kind of festival, fortunately
minority, to observe these animals and
to wonder if all this must end.
E 'was made a video with pictures
in question, published on You Tube at the following address

The League for the Abolition of Hunting Sec. Friuli Venezia Giulia
can not but be horrified by the words of the Mayor of
cited by local press, with whom the mayor called Festival of the
Osei "a celebration of nature." All that remains is
wondering where the Mayor Ceraolo
while thousands of animals if they were locked in tiny cages with the torrid heat
, unbearable for the same people
Since the mayor has escaped certain exemplary images,
disclose the photos taken Sunday, August 16,
hoping that it does not find the celebration of nature in
bunnies, piled one on top of which call at 2 in the afternoon fresh
and air, or parrots
can not even put its foot on the perch for mamcanza
space, or in the blackbird, instead of feathers on his head has
a great crust etc. etc.
invite Finally, the citizens of Sacile remaining
persist in wanting this kind of festival, fortunately
minority, to observe these animals and
to wonder if all this must end.
E 'was made a video with pictures
in question, published on You Tube at the following address
Friday, August 7, 2009
Islanders Fish Sticks
La Sagra dei Osei (Feast of Birds) is a trade fair held annually in Sacile the first Sunday after August this year on 15-16 August. The 2008 edition has had over 24 000 paying visitors. And the market focused on the exposure of birds singing, reached the 736esima edition: thus the figure of the oldest folk festivals in Italy. Today, the Sagra dei Osei
- Market National Exhibition Birds, with its singing contest, famous throughout Europe with the presence of thousands of birds, poultry is the most important European event. During the event are awarded the birds identified as the best singers for each category is elected and the "NATIONAL THRUSH.
It 's time to say enough, giving voice to these creatures forced to "sing" their crying in a cage.
Small birds are bred to live in a cage and entertain with their their beauty and singing an audience that completely ignores their right to be free.
These migratory birds (redwing song-thrushes, larks, pigeons, blackbirds) and exotic birds (canary, parrots ...) to which generations of breeding cages and have not taken the wild spirit and above all the desire to fly.
Visiting the Bird Fair is her heart: hundreds and hundreds of feet of cramped cages, with their young prisoners, who can not fly away. The
FIMOV (Italian Federation Events Bird Hunting) and 'Italy in the largest promoter and organizer of trade fairs bird hunting. It is an organization composed of hunters, or people who in their spare time like armas rifle and shoot with other living beings, and they hold in extremely small cages used for hunting birds and show them and let them compete in exhibitions organized by them.
We ask you to join us in expressing your disagreement with the Sagra dei Osei Sacile: just a few lines, without insults, but firmly, preferably in writing as your fist ... The important thing is to send information to the local newspapers (if not all our mail will certainly end up in a drawer in the Pro Loco of Sacile).
You can write to:
and for information to the press
you can also send a message to the Mayor of Sacile Roberto Ceraolo
For info on this festival and in general on the subject : fiere2.html

La Sagra dei Osei (Feast of Birds) is a trade fair held annually in Sacile the first Sunday after August this year on 15-16 August. The 2008 edition has had over 24 000 paying visitors. And the market focused on the exposure of birds singing, reached the 736esima edition: thus the figure of the oldest folk festivals in Italy. Today, the Sagra dei Osei
- Market National Exhibition Birds, with its singing contest, famous throughout Europe with the presence of thousands of birds, poultry is the most important European event. During the event are awarded the birds identified as the best singers for each category is elected and the "NATIONAL THRUSH.
It 's time to say enough, giving voice to these creatures forced to "sing" their crying in a cage.
Small birds are bred to live in a cage and entertain with their their beauty and singing an audience that completely ignores their right to be free.
These migratory birds (redwing song-thrushes, larks, pigeons, blackbirds) and exotic birds (canary, parrots ...) to which generations of breeding cages and have not taken the wild spirit and above all the desire to fly.
Visiting the Bird Fair is her heart: hundreds and hundreds of feet of cramped cages, with their young prisoners, who can not fly away. The
FIMOV (Italian Federation Events Bird Hunting) and 'Italy in the largest promoter and organizer of trade fairs bird hunting. It is an organization composed of hunters, or people who in their spare time like armas rifle and shoot with other living beings, and they hold in extremely small cages used for hunting birds and show them and let them compete in exhibitions organized by them.
We ask you to join us in expressing your disagreement with the Sagra dei Osei Sacile: just a few lines, without insults, but firmly, preferably in writing as your fist ... The important thing is to send information to the local newspapers (if not all our mail will certainly end up in a drawer in the Pro Loco of Sacile).
You can write to:
and for information to the press
you can also send a message to the Mayor of Sacile Roberto Ceraolo
For info on this festival and in general on the subject : fiere2.html
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Nysc Membership Discount
on environmental groups calling for a revision urgent appointments in the Regional Wildlife Committee, balancing the components in harmony with the principles of transparency and impartiality which must indicate the Public Administration.
The organ that directs the policies of protection of wildlife and hunting management of the Regional Administration, which by law should represent all relevant stakeholders, is in fact monopolized by hunters, and this is because the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region has chosen to be represented by two members of the hunting world, thus altering the balance between hunters and non hunters provided in the Committee concerned.
Looking at the numbers, it turns out that in fact of the 14 members of the Committee, well 9 are members of the world hunting, turning so the last point of comparison can be balanced in yet preserve a monopoly on the world of hunting: in addition to representatives of the three hunters, including hunters are in fact members appointed by the associations of local authorities (Enzo Bortolotti, Roberto De Prato), the agricultural associations (Giorgio Colutta) and ISPRA (Franco why). To these the region has seen fit to support - as president and vice president (appointed regional positions) - two shotguns: Mirko Bellini (hunting hounds, as delegated by the President councilor violin) and Andrea Cadavid, appointed to represent the Service Protecting the natural environment and wildlife.
These gentlemen have not only the task of providing proposals and guidelines for proper sampling of the species hunted, but also to establish guidelines for action to protect the bear, lynx or any other protected species of importance Nature. Basically, the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia doublets not only relies on the ongoing management hunting, but also the task of directing the policies of protection and study of fauna that is, we want to remember, heritage for everyone, not just who kills her.
Finally, remember that these appointments regional government in total disregard of the principle of the necessary coexistence of different interests within the governing bodies on wildlife management and hunting, the principle established by law 157/1992 and recently reaffirmed by the Constitutional Court, which has "impallinato "Regional Law 6 / 2008 in the parts where not just within this limit.
In view of this, environmental groups call for alderman for intervention to restore the balance required by law within the European fauna.
Committee members:
not hunters
Sponza Stefano (designated by the University of Trieste) Piero Susmel (designated by the University of Udine), Maurizio Rozza (appointed by the environmental groups), Gianfranco Urso (designated by the ENPI), Andrea Lugo (appointed by the agricultural associations).
Mirko Bellini - Chairman (appointed by the Region), Andrea Cadavid - Deputy Chairman (appointed by the Region), Giorgio Colutta (appointed by the agricultural associations), Renzo course (designated by the game management districts), Victorinus Dorothea (designated by the game management districts ), Roberto De Prato (designated by ANCI, UPI and Uncem), Enzo Bortolotti (designated by ANCI, UPI and Uncem), Fabio Merlini (hunting organizations designated by the Federation), Franco Perco (designated ISPRA).
The regional branches of WWF, Lipu, Lac (league for the abolition of hunting), Lav (alloy antivivisection) and Legambiente In view of this, environmental groups call for alderman for intervention to restore the balance required by law within the European fauna.
Committee members:
not hunters
Sponza Stefano (designated by the University of Trieste) Piero Susmel (designated by the University of Udine), Maurizio Rozza (appointed by the environmental groups), Gianfranco Urso (designated by the ENPI), Andrea Lugo (appointed by the agricultural associations).
Mirko Bellini - Chairman (appointed by the Region), Andrea Cadavid - Deputy Chairman (appointed by the Region), Giorgio Colutta (appointed by the agricultural associations), Renzo course (designated by the game management districts), Victorinus Dorothea (designated by the game management districts ), Roberto De Prato (designated by ANCI, UPI and Uncem), Enzo Bortolotti (designated by ANCI, UPI and Uncem), Fabio Merlini (hunting organizations designated by the Federation), Franco Perco (designated ISPRA).
Monday, June 29, 2009
Is Under Armour Enough For Snowboarding
Adopted on 18 June by the Regional Council
COURTSHIP hunters and do not care, were exterminated
time endangering wildlife
Friuli Venezia Giulia has never finished!
The regional council of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Community Law in fact, established to give the go-ahead to
hunting of species not hunted
throughout the rest of Italy, such as several species of ducks, the
transfers or collared dove.
The animal welfare groups and environmental organizations in the Friuli Venezia Giulia
did not expect this new attack
integrity of the ecosystem of the region, especially
after the recent Constitutional Court ruling that
has literally destroyed the regulatory framework that governs the
Hunting in this region, thinking,
obviously wrongly, that the various
fool and already high costs incurred to facilitate a few hunters
led to any greater caution.
obviously not interested in politics
wildlife conservation, just think that with another
amendment was attributed to the provinces, instead of
regions - but the law provides the framework National
- the power to issue permits to kill
foxes, wild boars and crows (see
gray crows, magpies and jays).
in the above application of Community law which protects wild birds
, which applied part - again
faunofoba from this region - is precisely what the
Obviously this time, as in the past, we will not
to watch and we will try
because these regulatory measures are again rejected by the holding
Look, in the meantime, the administrative actions that will have
reliefs, as well as the rules
report directly to the European Commission.
Also it seems only right to put
attention of the public that the costs of these proceedings will be borne
inevitably on all citizens.
An example is the decision of 5 June 2009 the TAR
Friuli Venezia Giulia, in declaring illegal the
catch birds with nets - advocated by the Province of Pordenone
- has condemned the region Friuli Venezia Giulia and the province itself
Pordenone to pay the costs of
proceedings incurred by the League for the Abolition of Hunting
and the WWF.
For The signatory associations
For the WWF FVG
For the LAV-section FVG
Adopted on 18 June by the Regional Council
COURTSHIP hunters and do not care, were exterminated
time endangering wildlife
Friuli Venezia Giulia has never finished!
The regional council of Friuli Venezia Giulia
Community Law in fact, established to give the go-ahead to
hunting of species not hunted
throughout the rest of Italy, such as several species of ducks, the
transfers or collared dove.
The animal welfare groups and environmental organizations in the Friuli Venezia Giulia
did not expect this new attack
integrity of the ecosystem of the region, especially
after the recent Constitutional Court ruling that
has literally destroyed the regulatory framework that governs the
Hunting in this region, thinking,
obviously wrongly, that the various
fool and already high costs incurred to facilitate a few hunters
led to any greater caution.
obviously not interested in politics
wildlife conservation, just think that with another
amendment was attributed to the provinces, instead of
regions - but the law provides the framework National
- the power to issue permits to kill
foxes, wild boars and crows (see
gray crows, magpies and jays).
in the above application of Community law which protects wild birds
, which applied part - again
faunofoba from this region - is precisely what the
Obviously this time, as in the past, we will not
to watch and we will try
because these regulatory measures are again rejected by the holding
Look, in the meantime, the administrative actions that will have
reliefs, as well as the rules
report directly to the European Commission.
Also it seems only right to put
attention of the public that the costs of these proceedings will be borne
inevitably on all citizens.
An example is the decision of 5 June 2009 the TAR
Friuli Venezia Giulia, in declaring illegal the
catch birds with nets - advocated by the Province of Pordenone
- has condemned the region Friuli Venezia Giulia and the province itself
Pordenone to pay the costs of
proceedings incurred by the League for the Abolition of Hunting
and the WWF.
For The signatory associations
For the WWF FVG
For the LAV-section FVG
Friday, June 12, 2009
Where Can I Buy Dance Shorts
No trapping. Even for small amounts of volatile
and for purposes of "culture". This time does not say
the Constitutional Court, which has just canceled
common shares of the regional law on hunting, but the Tar
of Trieste yesterday upheld an appeal by Lac
(League for the abolition of hunting) and the WWF against
Region, the Province of Pordenone and the Association
Friulian bird hunting festivals and fairs. Prosecutors
have canceled the order for the regional derogation
capture and keeping of birds in small amount of 24
October 2008 (as amended in part
6 days later), with whom he authorized the arrest and detention in life
of 50 animals of various species for the purpose of sale to exhibitors at trade fairs
ornithological association called into question. The region had
justified the decision with "the need to capture and hold alive
birds to sell them to exhibitors at trade fairs in
bird," with such disregard
conduct - according to the animal - an opinion
National Institute for wildlife.
The institute noted in particular that '
is not possible to determine objectively and scientifically solid
"small quantity" taking ".
the position was subsequently reiterated by the Higher
for the protection and environmental research (replaced
all'Infs), who stressed that "it is possible
teach singing to those born in captivity
using readily available on recordings
market products or select specimens from the farms. " Instead
on the basis of the decision of the Region,
November 6, 2008 the Provincial Government of Pordenone
'deliberate decision to implement the regional
authorization - reads the sentence -
motivated by a need to keep alive the traditions
remote origins dating back to our rural, historic
reactivate Bressane and bird snares' and' use the
individuals captured as voice teachers for specimens
born in captivity that they participated in numerous exhibitions
bird in Friuli Venezia Giulia and
neighboring regions. " The Tar, at the bottom of a stream of
legal considerations, explains that the contested measures
are void because they violate the law regional
14 of 2007 and the European Directive 409 of 1979, there it requires
any exceptions to the ban on trapping
are possible only in the absence of alternatives to the taking of specimens from nature and
for many purposes not permitted
ranging from health to aviation safety, until the scientific and educational purposes
the gazette of Mauritius Pordenone
Sunday, June 7, 2009
How To Put A House Phone On 3 Way
This is the title of this interesting meeting and debate, organized by the Chamber
Friulana from LAC (League for the Abolition of Hunting
) Saturday afternoon and held in Pordenone in
site Palazzo Gregoris. The conference, moderated by the local manager of the LAC
Attorney Alessandra Marchi, who has had
actors as speakers, Dr
LUCIANA BARONI, MD, specialist in Neurology, Geriatrics and Gerontology
, an expert on vegetarian nutrition,
president of the Scientific Society of Nutrition and Vegetarian
PROF. Gianni Tamino, Professor of Biology
General at the 'University of Padova,
expert on the environment, waste, energy, biotechnology and sustainability
Member of the House of Representatives from 1983 to 1992 and the Parliament
Europe from 1995 to 1999.
Dr. Baron explained
promptly and effectively caused serious consequences on human health from consumption
increasingly disproportionate meat and animal products
by the vast majority of Western countries
. In fact, atherosclerosis, hypertension, cancer
and obesity are chronic diseases that afflict people in rich countries
, arteriosclerosis and obesity,
also occur more often in the age
child just because of recruitment fatty foods.
against the risk of these diseases there is a solution
simple, but still little known and disclosed by the same doctors
: the vegetarian or vegan diet
associated with physical activity. Dr. Baroni was clear
a vegetarian diet would reduce, in Italy, by 26%
mortality from cardiovascular disease. In addition,
the same guidelines for the prevention of cancer
stress the importance of plant-based diet.
The beneficial effects of vegetarian diets are unequivocal
with reference to diseases such as obesity, osteoporosis and Parkinson
In turn, the prof. Tamino has analyzed the relationship between dietary
Western countries and the environment,
identifying the presence of factory farming and
the excessive consumption of meat (over 100 grams per day)
a major cause of environmental disaster. Suffice
think that farm animals produce enormous quantities
methane, which contributes to one fifth of total greenhouse gas emissions
. To produce 1 kg of beef, it
pollutes more than 3 cars to circulate for a day full
! In addition, to produce a pound of pork requires
14,910 gallons of water per pound of beef well
47,700 liters.
addition to this - tells Tamino - the consumption of meat is
one of the fundamental causes of death by starvation of millions of human beings
poor countries. Increasingly large territories
of these countries are, in fact, removed from the
forests for the cultivation of cereals,
intended for farm animals that will fill the bellies already
sated the West, instead
African populations of Southeast Asia, and Latin America. It
consider that 1 hectare of land planted with soybeans
produces 1800 pounds of vegetable protein, pasture and livestock
produces about 60 pounds of animal protein.
This will not only lead to war and famine. If
all humanity, in fact, wanted, like
Western countries, consume 80 kg of meat per person per year,
would have an area three times that of Earth
. And since we in the West can not
assume the right to be the only feed on animals
, the only possible solution is to reduce
drastically the consumption of meat in our diets.
The adoption of a vegetarian diet would reduce to 3 / 4 times
the need for land, energy and 30-40%
the water needs and the impact eutrophying. Tamino
concludes: it is the same FAO warned:
"men carnivores are destroying the Earth.
is not enough food for everyone. "
This is the title of this interesting meeting and debate, organized by the Chamber
Friulana from LAC (League for the Abolition of Hunting
) Saturday afternoon and held in Pordenone in
site Palazzo Gregoris. The conference, moderated by the local manager of the LAC
Attorney Alessandra Marchi, who has had
actors as speakers, Dr
LUCIANA BARONI, MD, specialist in Neurology, Geriatrics and Gerontology
, an expert on vegetarian nutrition,
president of the Scientific Society of Nutrition and Vegetarian
PROF. Gianni Tamino, Professor of Biology
General at the 'University of Padova,
expert on the environment, waste, energy, biotechnology and sustainability
Member of the House of Representatives from 1983 to 1992 and the Parliament
Europe from 1995 to 1999.
Dr. Baron explained
promptly and effectively caused serious consequences on human health from consumption
increasingly disproportionate meat and animal products
by the vast majority of Western countries
. In fact, atherosclerosis, hypertension, cancer
and obesity are chronic diseases that afflict people in rich countries
, arteriosclerosis and obesity,
also occur more often in the age
child just because of recruitment fatty foods.
against the risk of these diseases there is a solution
simple, but still little known and disclosed by the same doctors
: the vegetarian or vegan diet
associated with physical activity. Dr. Baroni was clear
a vegetarian diet would reduce, in Italy, by 26%
mortality from cardiovascular disease. In addition,
the same guidelines for the prevention of cancer
stress the importance of plant-based diet.
The beneficial effects of vegetarian diets are unequivocal
with reference to diseases such as obesity, osteoporosis and Parkinson
In turn, the prof. Tamino has analyzed the relationship between dietary
Western countries and the environment,
identifying the presence of factory farming and
the excessive consumption of meat (over 100 grams per day)
a major cause of environmental disaster. Suffice
think that farm animals produce enormous quantities
methane, which contributes to one fifth of total greenhouse gas emissions
. To produce 1 kg of beef, it
pollutes more than 3 cars to circulate for a day full
! In addition, to produce a pound of pork requires
14,910 gallons of water per pound of beef well
47,700 liters.
addition to this - tells Tamino - the consumption of meat is
one of the fundamental causes of death by starvation of millions of human beings
poor countries. Increasingly large territories
of these countries are, in fact, removed from the
forests for the cultivation of cereals,
intended for farm animals that will fill the bellies already
sated the West, instead
African populations of Southeast Asia, and Latin America. It
consider that 1 hectare of land planted with soybeans
produces 1800 pounds of vegetable protein, pasture and livestock
produces about 60 pounds of animal protein.
This will not only lead to war and famine. If
all humanity, in fact, wanted, like
Western countries, consume 80 kg of meat per person per year,
would have an area three times that of Earth
. And since we in the West can not
assume the right to be the only feed on animals
, the only possible solution is to reduce
drastically the consumption of meat in our diets.
The adoption of a vegetarian diet would reduce to 3 / 4 times
the need for land, energy and 30-40%
the water needs and the impact eutrophying. Tamino
concludes: it is the same FAO warned:
"men carnivores are destroying the Earth.
is not enough food for everyone. "
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Aspsmartupload Last Version
BOCCIA Hunting Act of Friuli Venezia Giulia
The League for the Abolition of Hunting Section of the Friuli Venezia Giulia
expresses its satisfaction at the recent
pronounce - announced just yesterday -
the Constitutional Court which, with the Decision No. 165, 2009
broadly accepted all the reliefs
advanced environmental NGOs - WWF, LIPU
League for Abolition of Hunting, Legambiente and LAV.
were canceled policies with which you wanted to reduce
areas off-limits to hunting.
E 'was blown away the danger was reopened
trapping in the Friuli Venezia Giulia, practice,
the trapping, in the rest of Italy with the'arresto
subject to criminal penalties up to one year or fine of up to
Euro 2000. And yet
erased those rules that exclude
environmentalists from all choices regarding
hunting in this region and made it the only hunters
controllers themselves.
It 'good to remember that
law was approved by the Centre under the 'Department of Enzo Marsilio, strongly supported by
Federcaccia Friulana
but also voted by directors of the center.
Sperotto Alessandro, CEO of the League for the 'Abolition of Hunting
of Friuli Venezia Giulia said: "The political thread
hunters lost! We had always supported
the illegality of this provision since its presentation as
bill, but the commissioner did Marsilio
always shrugged. "
If it were not for the memory of the environmental associations
who wrote a few days after approval of the law to the then government and Prodi, then
without this Judgement of the Court, would
made yet another mess to regional wildlife
already severely threatened by environmental degradation. If the current
had the will to really protect wildlife, which is
all, tomorrow would stop all forms of hunting in
virtue of the legal vacuum that has arisen from the obligation to prevent and
to hunting new areas. "
The League for the Abolition of Hunting Section of the Friuli Venezia Giulia
expresses its satisfaction at the recent
pronounce - announced just yesterday -
the Constitutional Court which, with the Decision No. 165, 2009
broadly accepted all the reliefs
advanced environmental NGOs - WWF, LIPU
League for Abolition of Hunting, Legambiente and LAV.
were canceled policies with which you wanted to reduce
areas off-limits to hunting.
E 'was blown away the danger was reopened
trapping in the Friuli Venezia Giulia, practice,
the trapping, in the rest of Italy with the'arresto
subject to criminal penalties up to one year or fine of up to
Euro 2000. And yet
erased those rules that exclude
environmentalists from all choices regarding
hunting in this region and made it the only hunters
controllers themselves.
It 'good to remember that
law was approved by the Centre under the 'Department of Enzo Marsilio, strongly supported by
Federcaccia Friulana
but also voted by directors of the center.
Sperotto Alessandro, CEO of the League for the 'Abolition of Hunting
of Friuli Venezia Giulia said: "The political thread
hunters lost! We had always supported
the illegality of this provision since its presentation as
bill, but the commissioner did Marsilio
always shrugged. "
If it were not for the memory of the environmental associations
who wrote a few days after approval of the law to the then government and Prodi, then
without this Judgement of the Court, would
made yet another mess to regional wildlife
already severely threatened by environmental degradation. If the current
had the will to really protect wildlife, which is
all, tomorrow would stop all forms of hunting in
virtue of the legal vacuum that has arisen from the obligation to prevent and
to hunting new areas. "
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